IBM Certified Solution Designer
Tested & Approved IBM Study Materials
GTExamservice is the leader in supplying IT Certification candidates with current and up-to-date training materials for IBM and Exam preparation. IBM training tools are constantly being revised and updated for relevance and accuracy by real IBM-certified professionals. You will engage in the most relevant IBM topics and technologies needed to ensure you are 100% prepared. GTExamservice IBM exam materials' quality and reliability will help you pass any IBM certification exam.
IBM Certified Solution Designer
- 000-111 - IBM Distributed Systems Storage Solutions Version 7
- 000-205 - High-End Disk Solutions for Mainframe Version
- 000-207 - High End Taps Solutions Version 5
- 000-296 - Test296,IBM websphere mq v5.3 solution design
- 000-297 - IBM Websphere mq v5.3 solution Development
- 000-299 - IBM Websphere bus.integ.message broker v5.solution design
- A2010-005 - Assess: IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.1 Solution Designer
- A2070-443 - Assessment: IBM DB2 Content Manager V8.3
- A2090-719 - Assessment: InfoSphere Warehouse V9.5-Assessment
- A2180-376 - Assessment: IBM WebSphere MQ V7.0, Solution Design
- C2020-700 - IBM Cognos 10 Planning Application Consultant
- C2070-448 - IBM Content Collector (ICC) v2.2
- C2070-586 - IBM Case Manager V5.1
- C2070-588 - IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture V8.1 Solution Design
- C2070-987 - IBM Content Manager V8.5 Solution Designer
- C2090-719 - InfoSphere Warehouse V9.5
- C2140-047 - Rational System Architect: BPMN Emphasis
- C2140-048 - Rhapsody in C++
- C2140-646 - Rational Manual Tester
- C2140-649 - Rational Software Architect
- C2140-833 - Object Oriented Analysis and Design
- C2140-834 - Object Oriented Analysis and Design
- C2140-839 - Rational Unified Process v7.0
- C9510-842 - Rational Functional Tester for Java
- C9520-423 - IBM WebSphere Portal 8.5 Solution Development