Tested & Approved Adobe Study Materials
GTExamservice is the leader in supplying IT Certification candidates with current and up-to-date training materials for Adobe and Exam preparation. Adobe training tools are constantly being revised and updated for relevance and accuracy by real Adobe-certified professionals. You will engage in the most relevant Adobe topics and technologies needed to ensure you are 100% prepared. GTExamservice Adobe exam materials' quality and reliability will help you pass any Adobe certification exam.
- 9A0-019 - Adobe Photoshop 6.0 Product Proficiency
- 9A0-031 - Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Product Proficiency Exam
- 9A0-034 - Adobe Acrobat Professional 6.0 Product
- 9A0-036 - Adobe PhotoShop CS ACE Exam
- 9A0-039 - Adobe After Effects 6.0 Professional ACE Exam
- 9A0-040 - Adobe Premiere Pro ACE Exam
- 9A0-041 - Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional Print Production ACE Exam
- 9A0-042 - Acrobat 7.0 Prowith Adobe LiveCycle Designer ACE Exam
- 9A0-044 - Adobe Photoshop CS 2 ACE Exam
- 9A0-045 - Adobe InDesign CS 2 ACE Exam
- 9A0-046 - Adobe GoLive CS2 ACE Exam
- 9A0-054 - Adobe Photoshop CS3 ACE Exam
- 9A0-055 - Adobe InDesign CS3 ACE Exam
- 9A0-056 - Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 ACE Exam
- 9A0-058 - Adobe Flash CS3 ACE Exam
- 9A0-059 - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom ACE Exam
- 9A0-060 - Adobe After Effects 7.0 Professional ACE Exam
- 9A0-061 - Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 Professional Ace Exam
- 9A0-062 - Adobe Encore DVD 2.0 ACE Exam
- 9A0-063 - Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.0 ACE Exam
- 9A0-064 - Adobe Flash Lite 2.0 Mobile Developer Exam
- 9A0-066 - Adobe ColdFusion 8 ACE Exam
- 9A0-067 - Premiere/Encore/OnLocation CS3 ACE Exam
- 9A0-068 - After Effects CS3 ACE EXAM
- 9A0-080 - Adobe Captivate 3 ACE Exam
- 9A0-081 - Adobe LiveCycle ES Application Developer Exam
- 9A0-082 - Adobe. Flex 3 with AIR
- 9A0-084 - Adobe Acrobat 9 Professional ACE Exam
- 9A0-086 - Adobe InDesign CS4 Exam
- 9A0-090 - Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 ACE Exam
- 9A0-092 - Flash CS4 ACE Certification
- 9A0-094 - Adobe Photoshop CS4 ACE Exam
- 9A0-095 - Adobe Photoshop CS4 Recertification Exam
- 9A0-096 - Adobe AfterEffects CS4 Exam
- 9A0-097 - Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 ACE Exam
- 9A0-125 - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 ACE Exam
- 9A0-310 - Adobe Flex 2 Developer Exam
- 9A0-311 - Certified Macromedia Flash 8 Exam
- 9A0-313 - Adobe Photoshop CS6 Recertification Exam
- 9A0-314 - Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Recertification Exam
- 9A0-318 - Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Recertification Exam
- 9A0-502 - Certified Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Designer Exam
- 9A0-602 - Certified Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Developer Exam
- 9A0-701 - ColdFusion MX Developer Exam
- 9A0-702 - ColdFusion MX 7 Developer Exam
- 9A0-802 - Certified Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Developer Exam
- 9A0-803 - Certified Dreamweaver 8 Developer Exam
- 9A0-901 - Flash Lite 1.1 Mobile Developer Certification Exam